Our Special Grants are available for children that are Texas residents up to age 18. (Up to 21 for those still in school) Its purpose is to assist children with special needs not fully supported by insurance, government agencies, or other grant programs.
Through the grant program TECSI is able to fund grants for families of children who need assistive or adaptive equipment, forms of technology and specialized therapies to improve their child's overall quality of life.
Find the details HERE.
Application for these grants begins at the local Elks Lodge. Applications are evaluated by a special committee appointed by the local Lodge and are approved by the Lodge. After Lodge approval the applications are to be forwarded to TECSI for final processing, verification and funding. create a sense of belonging for all.
Download pdf or doc file.
Fill out the application and take it to the Texas Elks Lodge that is closes to your home.
Need more details? Find them here.
Please call Texas Elks Children’s Services, Inc. (830) 875-2425 if you need help in locating the nearest Elks Lodge or click HERE to see a list of TX Lodges.